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San Juan US Port of Entry Reviews

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San Juan US Port of Entry Reviews
Average Rating: 4.8 / 5
11 Review(s)
San Juan Review #15712. Entry: 2012-11-01

Caribbean Pirate

Caribbean Pirate


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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Andre's entry to the US was a breeze. We were moving back and had a cat and dog as well as his top secret packet for inspection along with 6 suitcases. Our total time was about 40 minutes from when we reached the front of the initial line. He was sent to the secondary inspection area for fingerpr... read complete review

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San Juan Review #14514. Entry: 2009-09-22



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Was fast and the officers on there really friendly, and very cordial. No problem at all in all senses.

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San Juan Review #14570. Entry: 2009-09-12



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

The officers were really nice took me to the immigration office, asked me to wait there for 20 minutes while they reviewed my papers. Then, took me to a small room told me that I would get myu green card on the mail and SS number, took my finger prints, and whished me luck in my marriage!

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San Juan Review #14058. Entry: 2008-06-20



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

My fiance said his POE experience at San Juan was a piece of cake. He was supposed to fly out of St. Lucia at 8:15am to allow 3 hours at POE but due to mechanical issues, he had to take the next flight out at 9:30am, which only left him 1.5 hours for his connection.

He said he was ... read complete review

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San Juan Review #13984. Entry: 2008-04-16



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Got there handed the guy the documents he told me to follow him. After waiting for about 10 mins the lady told me that I had to marry within 90 days of entering the US and she made a joke stating that now is a good time if I want to change my mind.

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