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Atlanta US Port of Entry Reviews

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Atlanta US Port of Entry Reviews
Average Rating: 4.5 / 5
235 Review(s)
Atlanta Review #17471. Entry: 2024-09-11



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

We had a great experience entering in Atlanta on a K-1. I traveled back to the US with my fiancé, and the officers allowed me to go to the back office with him. The "interview" area is just on the other side of the baggage claim, so it's a very short walk.

We waited just a couple m... read complete review

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Atlanta Review #17466. Entry: 2024-08-17

Hoofie Puppet


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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Atlanta took all of maybe 5 minutes: landed, got the passports, CD and visa packet and both of us went through the US citizen line. There were no lines at 1015am. Both of us went through the US citizen's line. I went first and said, "...US citizen but she's K1." The officer was very friendly...h... read complete review

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Atlanta Review #17461. Entry: 2024-06-04




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

My POE was at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, and I went through the citizen line with my fiancé (petitioner). When it was our turn, I told the officer I was here on a K1-Visa and handed him my packet and medical CD. He took my passport and the only he thing he asked was if we wer... read complete review

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Atlanta Review #17476. Entry: 2024-05-21



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Very easy!

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Atlanta Review #17448. Entry: 2023-10-30




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

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