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Boston US Port of Entry Reviews

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Boston US Port of Entry Reviews
Average Rating: 4.6 / 5
64 Review(s)
Boston Review #15032. Entry: 2011-07-24




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Boston Review #14943. Entry: 2011-07-01



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

The officer was either really bored or really tired - we got in at 2 am after a 5-hour delay. The only question he asked me was if this was my first time in the Sates. It took him about 10 minutes to go through all the paperwork. Stamped my passport, stapled the i-94 in my passport and that was it <... read complete review

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Boston Review #14633. Entry: 2009-11-14




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Just one questions: date of wedding.

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Boston Review #14529. Entry: 2009-10-21




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

This seems to be a common thread with Boston, but I too had an officer that had never dealt with a K1 visa before! Having said that this was a quick any easy experience!

I arrived on the late BA flight from London at around 2130 and the CBP hall was nearly empty when I got there, I w... read complete review

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Boston Review #14527. Entry: 2009-09-14




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Arrived by cruise ship into Boston Harbour after transatlantic crossing. Immigration information given the day before told us all non US Citizens to be present in the main dining room at 6.30am as immigration officers would board the ship and everyone would be proccessed on board before disembarkati... read complete review

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