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Dallas US Port of Entry Reviews

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Dallas US Port of Entry Reviews
Average Rating: 4.6 / 5
128 Review(s)
Dallas Review #16237. Entry: 2016-11-04



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Very fast and easy. Officer asked how much money she was carrying and when the wedding was? Fiancee said that USC had already booked the venue for the wedding paid for all of the expenses. A little more small chat about the wedding and he said, "Congratulations and Welcome to the United States.

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Dallas Review #16244. Entry: 2016-10-19



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Dallas was really a breeze and everyone was polite and helpful I didn't understand the signs for which lane to go in so I asked the people standing directing people and they were like "oh! K1! Welcome!" and then they opened a lane for me where I immediately got to show my documen... read complete review

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Dallas Review #16221. Entry: 2016-10-14




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

No issues just ask for passport and the packet.

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Dallas Review #16328. Entry: 2016-09-03




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Very young officer, didn't questioning me, just accepted my docs and explained me rules, was really friendly and funny, true Texan))

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Dallas Review #16197. Entry: 2016-09-02

Dee elle

Dee elle


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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Simple and so quick. Dealt with by the BCP Officer at the booth. Not refered to secondary at all. Off tbe plane at 2.15pm and through the whole process, including baggage collection, by 3pm.

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