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Dallas US Port of Entry Reviews

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Dallas US Port of Entry Reviews
Average Rating: 4.6 / 5
128 Review(s)
Dallas Review #16595. Entry: 2018-04-12



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Ok background I left Adelaide South Australia at 8am on 12th April and finally arrived in Dallas FW at around 1pm on 12th April (local time).
I had planned to overnight in Dallas just in case my entry took longer than normal as there is only one further flight out after my... read complete review

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Dallas Review #16987. Entry: 2017-10-10




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

I came in a very early flight (5am-ish). There were hardly any people doing inmigration at that time. The officer that received me was very polite. She opened the enveloped and reviewed all the documents. The only question I was asked was why I didn't wait the remaining 18 days so I could be granted... read complete review

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Dallas Review #16461. Entry: 2017-10-03



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

POE Dallas, was easy and fast!
I was the only one in the immigration line, the agent did not took me to another room. He opened my envelope, stamp my VISA, and said "bienvenida" in a perfect spanish.
1 min aprox.

Everyone was nice, friendly and well organized.

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Dallas Review #16397. Entry: 2017-06-21




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

My plane arrived at around 10:20 AM. I was in queue for immigration at 10:35 AM. Officer looked at my passport, took my left thumb print and photo and asked me to follow him to the waiting area. I was only the third person in the waiting area. There was only one officer at the counter, so it took ar... read complete review

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Dallas Review #16378. Entry: 2017-05-20



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

We arrived together at Dallas at 5am with a large group of tourists from Argentina. All of the tourists went into one line and we were the only ones going through the other line. I told a security officer that my wife was immigrating, which is what allowed us to pass through the other line. There wa... read complete review

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