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Boston US Port of Entry Reviews

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Boston US Port of Entry Reviews
Average Rating: 4.6 / 5
64 Review(s)
Boston Review #15932. Entry: 2015-06-09



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

The kids and I arrived at Logan airport at 6pm, the line wasn't so bad at all except a woman officer yelling with a Japanese old man but I think because she speaks fast that's why he cannot understand her. Yes I was wishing we don't get into that officer and it did. The immigration officer that was... read complete review

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Boston Review #15770. Entry: 2014-11-01




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Everything went well, the flights were good even though it seemed like forever that I was stuck in the planes.
The first officer was very easy going. Took my paperwork and stamped my visa and I was on my way.
I was randomly selected by a customs officer and he asked to go through my st... read complete review

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Boston Review #15831. Entry: 2014-08-31




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Very easy! I was seen at the desk and not taken through to secondary. Had a few basic questions to back up what was in the envelope and I was sent on my way with the stamp in my passport telling me when I had to get married by!

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Boston Review #15698. Entry: 2014-07-18



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

The whole flight was a wait like a 1000 years.Every hour went by like a day.

Reached Logan airport,Boston on time as per flight schedule.

Once in the airport,i walked to the blue line meant for visitors and non immigrant visa holders(red was for citizens and green was f... read complete review

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Boston Review #15585. Entry: 2013-12-27




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Dear all, got off the plane at 12.50pm and went through the blue line call visitors and non Americans . When it got to my turn I presented my brown envelop handed to me by the embassy. It took the consular and border protection staff just less than 5mins to open my envelop and stamped my visa page w... read complete review

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