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Washington DC US Port of Entry Reviews

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Washington DC US Port of Entry Reviews
Average Rating: 4.6 / 5
159 Review(s)
Washington DC Review #17032. Entry: 2019-07-20




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Arrived US on EgyptAir around 6:30am via IAD airport. It was a long queue before I finally got cleared by the IO. Which was cordial and professional over less than 45mins. It was amazing!

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Washington DC Review #16950. Entry: 2019-06-23




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

I waited almost 3 hours to let go from the custom after my plane landed. My information was checked once at the port of entry where everyone waits in the line. The waiting time was around 40 mins the first inspection. After answer few questions, I was handed a box of which my passport was locked ins... read complete review

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Washington DC Review #17066. Entry: 2019-06-07

Queen Mona


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Topic: Port of Entry Review

POE was smooth. They asked a few minor questions. From the POE it took about 30 min until we left to get luggage. They didn't ask my fiance any questions. They gave him pamphlet about domestic violence and stamped his passport.

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Washington DC Review #16899. Entry: 2019-05-20

Mira T


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Topic: Port of Entry Review

We stayed in line for three hours before getting to the immigration stand. When I got there, the lady took my passport, put it in a transparent box and sent me to “secondary”i guess. I stayed another one hour there waiting to be called. The officer called me and gave me a pen and a piece... read complete review

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Washington DC Review #16881. Entry: 2019-04-27

Cari & Andy UB


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Topic: Port of Entry Review

We landed in IAD at 6:30 am. The officers were very stone cold, but it was smooth. We went through a special line, after asking where to go for first entry to U.S. We waiting in line for 30 minutes, hearing how they grilled other first entries. The Asian officer was rough ... read complete review

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