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Boston US Port of Entry Reviews

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Boston US Port of Entry Reviews
Average Rating: 4.6 / 5
64 Review(s)
Boston Review #16337. Entry: 2017-03-10



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

My husband said the POE in Boston was very easy. They asked him if he understood what kind of visa he had (k-1) and he replied it gave him permission to come and marry his fiance and that we were getting married in a week. The immigration officer took his paperwork and typed everything and then let ... read complete review

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Boston Review #16143. Entry: 2016-05-28



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

I arrived from Madrid at around 2.00pm local time, a little earlier than scheduled. We appeared to miss the rush of flights had landed about an hour previous and were due to land 30 minutes later.

In the past, I have used the Global Entry line at the airport so I was expecting a very ... read complete review

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Boston Review #16105. Entry: 2016-03-24

Sean and Kristina


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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Just arrived back home from a holiday in Dubai with my husband. He managed to enter the country with his EAD/AP combo card without any issue. Secondary screening took forever because for some reason the Boston airport was busy on a Thursday afternoon. Other than that, nothing outstanding to report.

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Boston Review #15963. Entry: 2015/07/05

carmen y sergio

Carmen y sergio


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Topic: Port of Entry Review

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Boston Review #15938. Entry: 2015-06-27




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Landed in Boston from Frankfurt, Germany at 2:30pm. Handed the immigration officer the sealed package together with my passport and customs for and said "Im here on a K1 visa". He looked through the package, asked me how much money I was carrying in cash and if I had any foods/drinks with me. No que... read complete review

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