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Chicago US Port of Entry Reviews

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Chicago US Port of Entry Reviews
Average Rating: 4.3 / 5
291 Review(s)
Chicago Review #13959. Entry: 2007-12-08




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Chicago Review #13901. Entry: 2007-11-18



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Half an hour 'interrogation', asking very detailed questions and demanding very detailed answers about previous US visas on the passport. If an officer wants to question you for hours and wants to harrass you s/he can. All you can do is answer the qustions as calmly as possible unless you want to be... read complete review

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Chicago Review #13920. Entry: 2007-11-10



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

I was suprised that I got so many questions with the officer. She went through some of the same questions that I had gone through at the interview already, and like I would have forgotten my then fiance's name? I was wondering a little, if I could be turned away, even with the papers that I had. No... read complete review

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Chicago Review #14045. Entry: 2007-10-15

Muh and me


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Topic: Port of Entry Review

They took him into another room because they thought he was a refuge. He ended up getting on another plane cause he missed his first plane out to milwaukee.

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Chicago Review #14664. Entry: 2007-10-07



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

They just asked me a few standard questions, took my fingerprints and that was it.

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