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Washington DC US Port of Entry Reviews

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Washington DC US Port of Entry Reviews
Average Rating: 4.6 / 5
159 Review(s)
Washington DC Review #17091. Entry: 2020-02-29

We Are Waiting

We Are Waiting


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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Husband said his entry was very easy! Only asked two questions. Who was he coming to the states with? What is his address here? Received his social security card on today 03/11/2020 (8 working days💃🏽days)

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Washington DC Review #17087. Entry: 2020-02-18




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

I had no issue at all even though we are waiting for my K-1 to be approved. The officer asked me if I had a return ticket, which I had a copy of with me.

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Washington DC Review #17070. Entry: 2019-10-05




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

입국심사시에는 승인되어 받은 비자서류를 제출하시면 문제 없이 입국심사를 통과하실 수 있습니다. 세컨ë... read complete review

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Washington DC Review #16976. Entry: 2019-09-07

Mrs Oduro


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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Flight landed at 6:30am
Looked like we were the only flight so immigration was kinda empty so got through really quickly
Cpb asked for my passport n brown envelope but told them I wasn’t given any so he did some checks n sent me to secondary inspection n said Akwaaba lol... wa... read complete review

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Washington DC Review #16963. Entry: 2019-08-23




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Long wait for both the initial screening and also the follow-up review of the K1 visa. Agent was friendly and asked only basic questions, including city of origin, whether we had a wedding date planned yet, etc. Total of about 2 hours to leave customs and immigration with the luggage.

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