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Dallas US Port of Entry Reviews

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Dallas US Port of Entry Reviews
Average Rating: 4.6 / 5
128 Review(s)
Dallas Review #16941. Entry: 2019-07-02




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

When I arrived the “other visas“ line was pretty much empty (2 people ahead of me), so I saw the first officer within 5 minutes. I asked which visa I’m coming in on, and when I replied it was a K1 he asked for the visa package which I handed to him. He did not want the x-rays whic... read complete review

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Dallas Review #16807. Entry: 2019-02-03



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

My wife landed at DFW International last Sunday Morning at 8;45 am. She went to the Grey Line (Foreign Visitors with Non-Qualifying Visas), but there were more than 20 people ahead of her, and only 1 Immigration Officer. After 2 hours, when her turn came, the computers were down for 25-30 mins. Fina... read complete review

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Dallas Review #16787. Entry: 2018-12-19

JB and AMF


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Topic: Port of Entry Review

😊 The IO was so nice and helpful. We upgraded our CR1 to IR1 because we’re already after our 2yrs anniversary. The IO checked our marriage certificate and translations, then he changed our cr1 to ir1. 😎

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Dallas Review #16741. Entry: 2018-10-30

Ana Nuñez

Ana Nuñez


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Topic: Port of Entry Review

We arrived at about 4PM and had a connecting flight with only 2 hours layover. My husband and I stood in the passport check line for 10-15 minutes. There was like 20 people in line but then they opened more booths and soon there was only 5 people in front of us. Once it was our turn, the CBP officer... read complete review

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Dallas Review #16796. Entry: 2018-10-06

Kyle Driver

Kyle Driver


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Topic: Port of Entry Review

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