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Boston US Port of Entry Reviews

The Reviews below are actual experiences by members of the VisaJourney community and provide insight into the many Ports of Entry in the US. If you are a member and would like to submit a review please follow one of the links below. To find reviews please make a selection from one of the pull down tabs and click "Find Entries".

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Boston US Port of Entry Reviews
Average Rating: 4.6 / 5
64 Review(s)
Boston Review #16622. Entry: 2018-05-31




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Quite painless. Beneficiary walked up and gave the sealed envelope that she got from the consulate. She was not even asked for the CD-ROM. After the flight landed, she finished departing the aircraft, immigration, baggage claim, and customs all in 45 minutes.

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Boston Review #16598. Entry: 2018-01-31



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Boston Review #16502. Entry: 2017-11-20




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Going through the POE could not have been easier. I was travelling together with my fiance on a K1 visa. We walked up to the counter and the officer took our passports and my sealed brown envelope. He went through the paperwork while he was typing something on his computer and took my picture and fi... read complete review

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Boston Review #16511. Entry: 2017-11-19




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Everything went super smooth and very fast. There was no line at all. My fiancé and I approached the immigration officer, who was very calm and friendly. I was a bit nervous about not having filled out my custom form neatly enough so to calm me down he said ¨Don't overthink it¨ and smiled. ... read complete review

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Boston Review #16517. Entry: 2017-05-27




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