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JFK US Port of Entry Reviews

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JFK US Port of Entry Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
499 Review(s)
JFK Review #14965. Entry: 2011-07-25

James And Oksana


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Topic: Port of Entry Review

There was hardly any line to wait. I was there with my fiance and children. The border patrol officer was very nice, and we even joked around while he processed the paperwork. He was not as educated as I was on the process, so he did involve one other border patrol agent to verify that he was doi... read complete review

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JFK Review #14962. Entry: 2011-07-03



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

My fiance had a really easy time with his port of entry. No big problems. He went through the customs people and they brought him to another room with everybody who had long term visas. He waited a few minutes and they called his name, asked him a couple of questions about where he was going, why he... read complete review

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JFK Review #15291. Entry: 2011-06-13




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Came on VWP, two questions asked: purpose of visit + duration, answered "visiting boyfriend for 3 months", took prints&photo, stamped passport, waved through.
Quick and painless.

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JFK Review #14930. Entry: 2011-05-20




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Officers at JFK Terminal 8 Very slow not doing work properly just chatting with each other. took us almost 2hrs in the office at airport.

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JFK Review #14919. Entry: 2011-05-04




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

The flight was delayed so I had a bit of a headache, what felt like the stat of a fever and was super tired so how the waiting felt may be skewed longer than it really was, but this is what happened:

Terminal 4's immigration hall was really, really quiet. I walked through and saw an o... read complete review

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