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Dallas US Port of Entry Reviews

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Dallas US Port of Entry Reviews
Average Rating: 4.6 / 5
128 Review(s)
Dallas Review #17024. Entry: 2019-10-20




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

When we arrived, my wife (the USC) processed her entry on the automatic passport kiosk and then came with me to the visa line. Once it was our turn the process was quite smooth. The officer asked for my immigration packet, opened it up and had a look through it. He then asked if the address listed w... read complete review

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Dallas Review #17040. Entry: 2019-09-10




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Waited for about 5 minutes, a very kind Border Patrol Officer asked me questions like my full name, date of birth, US address I intend to live, my USC fiancés info, and if I have more than $10,000 with me.. I said no, and I said “ I wish I have $10,000”.. that made him laugh 😂... read complete review

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Dallas Review #16986. Entry: 2019-09-08




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

I entered port of entry after arriving in Dallas. The officer looked at my passport and k1 visa packet. He didn’t ask any questions. Didn’t ask for x-Ray. It went fast. Not more than 5-10 minutes I would say.

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Dallas Review #16994. Entry: 2019-09-06




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Topic: Port of Entry Review


Very helpful officer, arrived fairly early morning, only a queue of a couple of people or so. My fiance was in the line behind me and the officer asked to see her to. Spoke to us professionally and courteously.

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Dallas Review #17021. Entry: 2019-08-20



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

When I arrived around 2pm it was quite busy. I totally forgot that most students with their F-1 visa were coming back or starting school very soon, so I was stuck in line for over an hour. I'm pretty sure I was the only K-1 visa holder too.

Finally my turn, I got to speak to the first... read complete review

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