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Boston US Port of Entry Reviews

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Boston US Port of Entry Reviews
Average Rating: 4.6 / 5
64 Review(s)
Boston Review #16758. Entry: 2018-11-21




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Good experience. Arrived on eve of Thanksgiving, yet no matter at all as the airport was properly staffed and running efficiently! Took less than 5 mins with the immigration officer. First, I told him I am entering on a K1 visa and handed over the envelope and my passport. Did the routine fingerprin... read complete review

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Boston Review #16730. Entry: 2018-10-11




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Accompanied my Thai fiancee on her entry with her new K1. The officer in the normal visitor line opened her packet, took fingerprints, and did not even ask either of us a single question. We checked the "bringing food" box on the customs form as we had various Thai groceries, and the officer didn'... read complete review

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Boston Review #16726. Entry: 2018-10-04



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Everything was smooth and easy. When we got off the plane, I stood in the "blue" line for people entering on visas or with the ESTA program for the first time. After 15 minutes of waiting I walked up to the booth and gave the officer my passport. She asked me why I don't use my F1 (student) visa any... read complete review

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Boston Review #16680. Entry: 2018-08-08




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Walked into the Kiosk
scanned my passport and Took my photo and verified my Address(petitioner). Asked for help since wife came on Cr1 .A volunteer took me and my Wife to Separate line which happened to be for F1/visitors . One person was ahead of us. it took around 5-7 mins for our turn, p... read complete review

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Boston Review #16912. Entry: 2018-06-08



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

So easy. We were first in line, so no wait. The officer was very friendly, looked through our package. Asked where we will live and when is the wedding. Then sent us on our way. Maybe 3 mins standing there. It was great and easy.

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