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Dallas US Port of Entry Reviews

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Dallas US Port of Entry Reviews
Average Rating: 4.6 / 5
128 Review(s)
Dallas Review #13985. Entry: 2008-04-25

Matt and Sarah


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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Very easy entry. She asked the immigration official where she needed to go and said that she was immigrating. They took her unopened packet and asked her a few questions then seated her in a waiting area. Didn't look at the chest X-Rays. There were 3 families ahead of her so it took about 30 min... read complete review

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Dallas Review #13982. Entry: 2008-04-15



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

The main thing was the wait time of 3 hours to get thru. It was because we K-1 visa holders were made to wait until everyone else had cleared immigration. The reason given was that the officers were unfamiliar with K-1. And also there were only two officers to process everyone. 1st time at the windo... read complete review

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Dallas Review #13944. Entry: 2008-02-14

doug & angel


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Topic: Port of Entry Review

I'm the USC, came in with my K1 & K2. No signage. finally directed to get in the non-immigrant line .. went to the window.. took our stuff .. directed us to a waiting area .. about an hour wait and we were done. Only a couple of questions related to where did we meet, how long have we known each ... read complete review

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Dallas Review #13804. Entry: 2007-06-11



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

I was warned that the first entry on a K1 visa was going to be very tricky so I anticipated a wait. I was one of the first off the plane which probably helped and only had to wait a couple of minutes to be called upto the imigration window. He imediatley saw my k1 visa and asked for br... read complete review

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Dallas Review #10860. Entry: 2007-05-26




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Man in "regular" non-USC queue took large envelope and passport. Waited (as told) for 90 minutes in secondary processing, man came out, handed me my passport and said I needed to go pick up my luggage. Not one single question asked. Just a long wait after a trans-Atlantic flight!

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