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Miami US Port of Entry Reviews

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Miami US Port of Entry Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
168 Review(s)
Miami Review #17251. Entry: 2021-08-29



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Arrived by plane from Mexico City before noon and was out by 12:30 at the latest. I had flown down to bring s/o back since he was not used to connecting flights nor US airports. We both decided to wait in non-US line so we could remain together. They took his passport and K1 sealed package, scanned ... read complete review

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Miami Review #17169. Entry: 2020-10-31



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

I was sent to the little secondary room as expected, but then something unexpected happened: the officer couldn't access some files on the system about my case, and asked me if I had any original documents with me. I gave him my NOA2 (for the I-130), showed him my birth certificate, marriage certifi... read complete review

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Miami Review #17158. Entry: 2020-10-04



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

I went through migration with everybody else and let the officer know I was migrating. He led me to a separated room. The room was kinda depressing but nothing too bad, just ugly colors, one tv and a vending machine. He told me to wait until they call my name and gave my passport to another officer ... read complete review

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Miami Review #17290. Entry: 2020/06/24




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

No tuve inconvenientes de ninguna naturaleza y viajé con nuestra hija peluda. Las preguntas que me hicieron en la sala de inmigración del aeropuerto fueron:
- Nombre de mi esposo.
- En dónde se encuentra su esposo en éste momento?
- Cuándo se vieron por última ... read complete review

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Miami Review #17120. Entry: 2020/06/07




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

I think because of COVID 19, there is less staff in the airports. Immigration took over an hour in Miami. They asked my fiance, where is he going to live ? When are you getting married...etc simple questions. It was fast interview and process. The waiting was hard because there was only 2 officers a... read complete review

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