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Dallas US Port of Entry Reviews

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Dallas US Port of Entry Reviews
Average Rating: 4.6 / 5
128 Review(s)
Dallas Review #17300. Entry: 2021-11-21



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

The usher at airport immigration guided travelers to 1 of 3 lines: no visa, with visa, and Global Entry. I said I had an immigrant visa so I was told to go to the visa line. At the CBP counter, the officer didn't ask any question and didn't ask for my passport immediately. I just had to stand a c... read complete review

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Dallas Review #17229. Entry: 2021-06-18




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

The entry into Dallas Fort worth was easy and quick. They are very professional.

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Dallas Review #17111. Entry: 2020-03-14




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

He was heavily questioned and brought to the private room. Previous two people were deported. They only spoke to him in english, which is limited. He said the officer yelled at him and didn't believe he actually had a relationship (wife) here. He finally let him go after he showed the marriage cert,... read complete review

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Dallas Review #17134. Entry: 2019-12-25

David & Elizabeth


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Topic: Port of Entry Review

It went really well. It was Christmas night. I was pleasantly surprised that all the Immigration officials were working. Felt bad for them but glad they were there for us.
We went to the Immigration booth together and explained that Elizabeth was here on a K1 Visa. They sent us to the Immigr... read complete review

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Dallas Review #17060. Entry: 2019-12-21




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

I landed at around 5am and the airport was empty. I asked an officer about which line I should go through and he said gray line. There was only one person on my line.
The officer barely said anything to me. I gave him my passport, he checked my fingerprints and he said I could go in. He didn'... read complete review

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