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Boston US Port of Entry Reviews

The Reviews below are actual experiences by members of the VisaJourney community and provide insight into the many Ports of Entry in the US. If you are a member and would like to submit a review please follow one of the links below. To find reviews please make a selection from one of the pull down tabs and click "Find Entries".

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Boston US Port of Entry Reviews
Average Rating: 4.6 / 5
64 Review(s)
Boston Review #17148. Entry: 2020-08-22




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

After my fingerprints were taken, I was sent to secondary; which was overcrowded. No social distancing possible, and not a great mood. Students coming in, and lots of people trying

After around 20-30 minutes waiting, my name was called and the officer asked me to confirm the address ... read complete review

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Boston Review #16935. Entry: 2019-07-05




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

All the previous reviews for Boston were very positive and described a quick process. I guess we entered on a bad day for the office because it took almost 2 hours for my fiancee to get admitted. We went through the citizen's lane (I, the USC traveled with him), and once identified as a K-1, he was ... read complete review

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Boston Review #16811. Entry: 2019-02-09




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Fast, efficient and easy.

My fiance was the first in line at border control. When she informed them she was here on a K1 visa they took her to an interview room. She waited about 5 minutes while they reviewed the visa package and then they questioned her for a few minutes - what is ... read complete review

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Boston Review #16782. Entry: 2018-12-20




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Went quickly and encountered no problems

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Boston Review #17266. Entry: 2018-11-30




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Not a problem at all. The officer received my sealed file and I walked through.

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