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Boston US Port of Entry Reviews

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Boston US Port of Entry Reviews
Average Rating: 4.6 / 5
64 Review(s)
Boston Review #4135. Entry: 2006-05-13



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Boston was a very easy POE, maybe because Joel got there so early in the morning. The customs office wasn't even open when he got there so he waited about 30 minutes. He said the guy was real nice.

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Boston Review #5546. Entry: 2006-03-07




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

I actually went through the immigration in shannon.I found the officer to be very unhelpful when i asked her a question. I will be glad once they get rid of the shannon stopever for flights from ireland to the states/

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Boston Review #5541. Entry: 2006-02-05



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

POE was really Shannon Airport in Ireland, but America side was Boston...

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Boston Review #4505. Entry: 2006-01-20



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

I went to my CIS office two weeks after entering the US and they issued me a 90 day EAD

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Boston Review #3531. Entry: 2005-02-14



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Came on VWP for a vacation to recover from surgery....

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