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Boston US Port of Entry Reviews

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Boston US Port of Entry Reviews
Average Rating: 4.6 / 5
64 Review(s)
Boston Review #14468. Entry: 2009-08-06



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

A quick and easy process and everyone at Logan airport was very friendly and professional. The immigration officer had never dealt with a K1 visa before, so we has a good laugh about me being here guinea pig

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Boston Review #14395. Entry: 2009-06-01



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

I arrived at Boston Airport and entered the regular line (for people with UK Passports and visa's). I was carrying my 'white form' (given to me on the plane instead of the green form)...I also had my Visa packet and x-ray with me.

I went upto the desk and the immigration officer was n... read complete review

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Boston Review #14494. Entry: 2009-02-22



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Unfortunately, the POE officer was new in the field and forgot to give my fiance his I-94 number! We had to go back later to passport control at the Logan airport to get it.

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Boston Review #14299. Entry: 2009-02-21



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

The airport was not very crowded and we passed through without any difficulty. The officers were friendly and nice. The only thing was that our officer was fresh from the academy and hadn't processed a K-1 visa before. He thought that it was an immigrant visa so there was some confusion there. Howev... read complete review

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Boston Review #14228. Entry: 2008-12-28



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Very Easy. 0 harassment level 0. She was asked the following questions:
1. Who are you here to see?
2. Where will you be living?

This took about 3 min after which she was directed to another room where she was asked to sign a form a her prints were taken.

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