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Washington DC USCIS Office Reviews

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Washington DC USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4 / 5
84 Review(s)
Washington DC Review #6800 on November 1, 2010:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

15 minutes! The supervisor decided to sit in on the interview, which prompted some stupid questions like "am I a prostitute" and "how many husbands do I have".

They approved the same day!

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Washington DC Review #6329 on July 12, 2010:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

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Washington DC Review #5002 on September 24, 2009:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Our AOS interview was scheduled for September 11, 2009. Other than having just the usual nerves, the 9/11 date factor made us that much more edgy.
So, my husband and I arrived a about 15 minutes early (the office is actually in Fairfax, VA) and sat down in the crowded waiting room area. We were called in about 15 minutes later by a woman who right away made us feel comfortable right away. After swearing to tell "...nothing but the truth" she ushered us to take a seat across from her desk while she sorted through all the papers we'd submitted. She laughingly commented on all the "annoying" sticky-notes I'd tagged info with in the K-1 visa application and made us laugh again when she showed us the wastebasket full of stickys!

The questions she asked us:
-Our full names, parents full names, address, d.o.b, etc.
-How we met and where, and a short history of our relationship with general dates/milestones (when we got engaged, when/where we visited each ... read complete review

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Washington DC Review #4936 on September 4, 2009:

Donna and Jay

Donna and Jay


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

was a nice and quick in and out procedure. Our appt was scheduled for 10:15. We walked in at 10:08, waited a minute at reception and then a lady took the appt document and asked us to have a seat.

10:42...my name was called. Lovely officer, we chatted with her and then she asked a bunch of questions straight from the application regarding my background (the yes and no q's in one of the forms). Ditto my wife. Asked for some bills, bank acounts, pics...then took photocopies...and that was it!!

Don't know why people make a big fuss about this whole process...I say to everyone who is going through this...IGNORE what everyone says. Everything is a FORMALITY...nothing more than that

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Washington DC Review #4067 on March 11, 2009:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

The woman was very nice and helpful, we were RFE'd for what I thought was a stupid reason. My income in the past was under the poverty limit, but I just finished college, and for my first "real" job (which I hadn't filed taxes for had an income of well over the poverty limit. I had paystubs and employment verification and everything, but still got the RFE. However, the RFE was speedily processed. USCIS received my Dad's sponsorship documents on February 20th, we got the approval letter March 5th, GC came March 10th.

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