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Seattle WA USCIS Office Reviews

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Seattle WA USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.3 / 5
144 Review(s)
Seattle WA Review #24208 on July 12, 2018:

Susan Azores

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Review Topic: Naturalization

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Seattle WA Review #24138 on July 3, 2018:

Susan Azores

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Review Topic: Other Experience

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Seattle WA Review #23837 on May 20, 2018:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

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Seattle WA Review #23556 on March 30, 2018:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Please read about the interview experience following the link:


I’m pretty satisfied with Seattle office work. I have not seen/met a single mean or rude employee there. Security is fast, check-in very friendly. Second floor gets stuffy with a lot of people waiting, but they don’t keep you waiting for too long. Maybe bring a fruit or snack. Also make sure you are hydrated. Officer was young and friendly, held himself very professional yet welcoming.

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Seattle WA Review #23250 on February 10, 2018:




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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Our appointment was at 7:15am but we got there around 645 and we're checked in by 7, surprisingly quite a few people were there already or shortly after. We got called in at 745 and swore in; the officer asked all the "no" questions on the i-485 then asked us about our relationship how we met etc. she was very friendly; it was more like a conversation than an interview, after that she asked for any evidence I had brought. She quickly flipped through everything, said thank you and congratulations you are approved. All in all we were in the room for maybe 10/15 mins

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