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San Diego CA USCIS Office Reviews

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San Diego CA USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4 / 5
65 Review(s)
San Diego CA Review #21362 on February 9, 2017:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

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San Diego CA Review #21158 on January 9, 2017:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

We had our interview on December 7 in San Diego (I485 AOS). We waited for about 30 minutes after our scheduled time and our interview lasted just under 30 minutes. Officer was very kind - to the point - but he did engage with us and we had some laughs.

Questions were pretty basic - nothing surprising or out of the ordinary or too personal at all. It really was easy.

When it came to photos, we had put together a little 'chatbooks' photo album (check out the app - it's brilliant). He loved it - flipped through every photo of the 60. Asked a few questions about a few of the photos, then took some copies - and handed us our approval notice

Green card arrived one week later (it REALLY is green! haha).

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San Diego CA Review #20469 on September 21, 2016:

Ngan Thai

Ngan Thai

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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

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San Diego CA Review #19449 on May 5, 2016:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

We interviewed together and she asked us basic questions like how we met, how we decided to get married, what are our future plans, did we have a big or simple wedding ceremony, asked to identify some people in the pictures we had, etc. No difficult questions at all. She also asked if she can take some pictures with friends and family that we brought. After our question and answer which took about 40 minutes she let us sign a removal of condition slip. She also said she'd recommend our application (i didn't actually hear this because I was so nervous but my partner did) but no on the spot approval.

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San Diego CA Review #17778 on September 15, 2015:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Interview over approved on spot YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!, I didnt even get back to my car two blocks away before I got email that card in production, and about 20 mins later another saying card being produced, we were called in 20 mins after appointment time, had a second person there, which I thought crap they are about to seperate us, but he was there just to observe, interview lasted about 40 min, looked at papers we brought, checked against what she had and gave back, had us go throw interview, but after a few dates realized I had been going to to philippines every 4 month since we met in 2010, that we owned property and cars in philippines and US, and stopped me and said I guess you have solid relationship, ask couple more questions than said she was going to approve, and reminded us many time to apply for removal of condition 90 days ahead, even had us sign a form about it,

I am really thankful for this sight, I had a lawyer, how didnt do ... read complete review

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