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San Diego CA USCIS Office Reviews

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San Diego CA USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4 / 5
65 Review(s)
San Diego CA Review #26416 on June 12, 2019:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Our appointment was scheduled for ​​​​​​​9 am but we arrived about 30 minutes before. It took us about 10 min to get through security because it's basically airport style and we had to take off our shoes. We went upstairs to the waiting area where there was about 20 other people waiting and we waited about 20 minutes to be called. At this point, I was pretty nervous because some of the officers we saw looked pretty stern and we saw a few people come out of rooms crying (not happy crying).

We got called in exactly at 9 am on the dot by a young officer who was dressed exactly like my husband! We went into the room and he had us stand to say the oath. Once we sat down, he was super chilled out and asked us for passports, my husbands UK birth certificate and our marriage certificate. He also asked us how we met! And that is literally all he asked for during the entire interview! The whole interview was much more of a conve... read complete review

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San Diego CA Review #26317 on May 30, 2019:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

It was a very pleasant interview. Not intimidating at all.

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San Diego CA Review #26091 on May 2, 2019:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

We arrived at the USCIS office in downtown San Diego about 20 minutes before our scheduled interview time. The waiting room was already packed with about 50 people and it seems that we were all scheduled for the same morning session. Since we arrived later than the others, we were called in for our interview nearly last, when the room was almost empty. The point here is, "If you want to be interviewed first, arrive earliest".

I'm not sure if it was by luck or by design, but our interviewer spoke Russian as well as English - My wife's English is good, but it put her very much at ease when the interviewer offered to speak with her in Russian. Very cool. Our interview lasted about 50 minutes total and felt very friendly and almost informal.

We were asked basic questions about how we met and about our current living situation - but those questions were intermixed with the process of verifying our documents (marriage, divorce, birth certificates, passp... read complete review

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San Diego CA Review #25499 on February 1, 2019:




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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Green card interview went great--used someone else's recommendation and parked at Jimbo's at Horton Plaza for 2 hour validated parking. We ended up getting there at 10:00 for our 10:15 appointment. We got through security and the check in process relatively quickly. They called our name by 10:30 and we were out by 10:55. The officer was nice and seemed genuinely interested in our story and making sure we submitted all the proper paperwork so everything could be approved. She took some of our wedding photos that we had printed out and other photos that I had printed out of our holidays with family and added them to our paperwork being submitted. All in all good. She said she would probably approve by next week and we should expect the green card in the mail within 6 weeks (but some people get it as soon as 2 weeks!) Here's hoping and waiting!

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San Diego CA Review #24825 on October 12, 2018:

K1 2017

K1 2017

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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Pretty fast and smooth. AoS interview was pretty straightforward and we were approved pending medical exam results arriving from Ciudad Juarez, but that only took 3days.

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