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San Diego CA USCIS Office Reviews

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San Diego CA USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4 / 5
65 Review(s)
San Diego CA Review #31512 on October 25, 2022:



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Review Topic: Naturalization

My wife had her naturalization interview and oath today. Great process overall.

We arrived 15 minutes before the appointment time. The security guards talking to people in line at the front door were rude, but everyone else was very nice. The officer who interviewed my wife had another officer in training observing her who stayed quite the whole time.

As my wife's sponsor, I was initially not allowed in the building, but I stayed close while I waited for my wife. After waiting about 45 minutes after the appointment was supposed to start, the officer called me on my cell phone and arranged with the security guards to let me in so I could be there to complete the I751 portion of the interview with my wife. After that, I went into the waiting room while my wife finished the N400 portion of the interview and her test alone.

After about 20 minutes, my wife and the officer came out and told us we could go to the 5th floor. I knew what that meant!... read complete review

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San Diego CA Review #31351 on August 16, 2022:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

May 2022 - Very easy breezy. Agent was very friendly. We came prepared with every document that we could imagine we might need, it turned out we didn't need anything, he asked two or three questions, and then said that everything was fine and that he would just process the paperwork for the next 15 minutes or so with us in his office. We had prepared for possible questions by checking internet sources of people who had gone before us, but no difficult questions, in fact the only question that was a little odd was that he asked me (US citizen, previously married and divorced) what my ex-wife thought about me getting married. It was so odd that I didn't know what to say, so I told him the truth, I didn't have any more contact with her since our kids are grown. After that, a couple very easy questions that I can't even remember now because they were so simple to answer. That was it. We chatted while he completed the paperwork, and left with smiles on our faces about 20 minutes later.

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San Diego CA Review #29196 on February 22, 2021:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

The interview was pretty straight-forward. Officer Gonzalez was personable and professional. We were interviewed together and were done in about 45 minutes.

(updated on February 22, 2021)

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San Diego CA Review #28982 on January 8, 2021:



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Review Topic: General Review

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San Diego CA Review #28956 on December 31, 2020:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

The most difficult time was the waiting before the interview. Then the agent asked us for my husband’s evidence pieces like birth certificate and pay stubs for his new job, and then we went through the timeline of our relationship, who was at our wedding, where we traveled together and our plans for the future. It was overall a relaxed and good experience ! The agent had one thing to verify but told us he didn’t see anything that would jeopardize my application, and 24hrs later was the message on my USCIS profile that my card was being manufactured ! What a great day to enter a new year !

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