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Norfolk VA USCIS Office Reviews

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Norfolk VA USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4 / 5
60 Review(s)
Norfolk VA Review #8957 on January 4, 2012:


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Review Topic: General Review

Get a Fast Pass appointment and this office will do anything for you. Honestly, there is no waiting (with your appointment) and the Customs officers are incredibly helpful. They will literally, tell you exactly what you need to do. The officer I worked with gave me helpful hints and homework for my next visit))

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Norfolk VA Review #7502 on April 22, 2011:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

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Norfolk VA Review #7253 on March 10, 2011:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

We arrived at the office 45 minutes ahead of time, our appointment was at 9:00am. We were called at around 9:10am for our interview. The whole interview took maybe less than 15 minutes. She asked the usual "where did we meet", "when did you get married", etc. She asked to see the evidence we had brought with us. I gave her our tax transcript (filing married jointly), Chris' 401K letter saying I'm the beneficiary, car insurance documents, joint account statements, and a picture book with maybe 25 pictures from the time we started dating to now. After everything, she explained the procedure to remove conditions, and then she said that she had seen everything she needed and would let us know if she needed anything else to approve our case. I was not happy about that, I was hoping for an "you are approved"! But then when we got home, maybe 3 hours after our interview, I had receive an e-mail from USCIS saying that the production of our card was ordered! Overall it was very smooth, but I wo... read complete review

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Norfolk VA Review #5839 on March 25, 2010:

Laura & Kyle

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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Our appointment was at 10:30am; we arrived at 9:40ish and they let us in. We had to show our appt. letter and photo id's at the door. We then had to go through the metal detectors. We put our interview notice in a little bin near the "front" of the room.

There were about 5 couples there... one with a lawyer. Not to stray away from my review.. but the husband was wearing "NAVY" sweatpants, the wife was of asian decent wearing a polo (can't remember the pants), and a lawyer. They were all standing there, and then the lawyer looks at some of the paperwork and says to the couple, "Now.. they have sent you the information with your name written the way you want it, with your married name as your last name, correct?" Well before the wife could even say yes, the husband flew into a rage yelling, "Why the hell would you ask that??? Why would she want to use her maiden name???" Then he proceeded to ream his wife out about how absurd it was to even consider using her maide... read complete review

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Norfolk VA Review #5701 on February 18, 2010:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

It's different place from the Norfolk application center.. FYI
I thought it would be the same place.. not very far from each other..

Nothing to worry about tho, it went so easy for us. Our interviewer was fairly nice. He asked us to raise our right hands and would tell him all truth.
So, he went thru my files before he asked me all questions. Begin with our address, our name, all questions that you should be able to answer "NO", how we've met. He asked me to give him bank statement of our joint account, lease agreement , affidavit, wedding photo (which we don't have them).

So I was freaked out by that time, b/c I didn't have lease agreement , affidavit, wedding photo. But my hubby told him why we don't have it at this time.

Both of us love shooting, just to begin with. So when my hubby explained him how he fall for me, it's b/c I love shooting competitively. We later found out that my interviewer has 20 guns in his collecti... read complete review

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