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Mount Laurel NJ USCIS Office Reviews

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Mount Laurel NJ USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
17 Review(s)
Mount Laurel NJ Review #33354 on August 28, 2024:


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Review Topic: Naturalization

Everybody was really nice and organized. From the security officers to the IO.
Interview took maybe 10 minutes and my IO made it really easy and relaxed.

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Mount Laurel NJ Review #32348 on August 7, 2023:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

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Mount Laurel NJ Review #31007 on May 2, 2022:

Julie and Jose

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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Our officer was a very nice and pleasant. He took care of things quickly and professionally. It was a very relaxing experience. And I am grateful!

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Mount Laurel NJ Review #29747 on June 19, 2021:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Arrived 15 mins early and were greeted at the door by security who were friendly. Checked in and waited until 20 mins after our appointment was scheduled to be seen. The officer was friendly and everything went smoothly. After about 20 mins the interview finished and we were told we would be approved.

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Mount Laurel NJ Review #29662 on May 22, 2021:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Our interview was in Mount Laurel, NJ at 8:15am. We arrived at 08:00am, they checked the interview notice and our ID’s at the door, and then went through airport style security. We then went to a counter to be checked in and I had my picture and fingerprint taken.

We then waited 5-10mins before the IO came to collect us and took us to her office. She was a little friendly, didn’t come across as SUPER serious which made things a little easier, but obviously not joking around!
When we got to her office we were sworn in and got right to it:
- first she checked over my documents (birth certificate, EAD card, passport, marriage certificate). asked me a few clarifying questions and asked my wife what my DOB is and later in interview asked me what her DOB is.
- she asked if I had brought an updated medical form (I never submitted I693 initially because I had my U.K. medical in a year of me submitting the application.), which I hadn’t... read complete review

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