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Miami FL USCIS Office Reviews

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Miami FL USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.3 / 5
53 Review(s)
Miami FL Review #7233 on March 7, 2011:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

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Miami FL Review #6595 on September 10, 2010:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Well, I went in today for our interview and we arrived an hour early. We checked in the front desk and got our number and were instructed to wait in the other room until our number was called. All the people up to this point were great. Exactly at the time of our interview we were called in. We sat at a desk that was covered in paperwork like I could never imagine. We did the oath and then he asked for my ID proving US Citizenship. I gave him my passport he did not ask to see my wife's ID. He then asked if I had been married and then asked my wife the same thing. He asked where her ex-husband was she told him he was in Europe. He asked me where I went to school and where I worked and how long I had worked there. Then he asked if my job knew I was married and asked for proof. I gave him an insurance document from work showing me and my spouse on it and I guess that was sufficient. He then said he would review the file and we would have an answer in about three weeks. Interv... read complete review

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Miami FL Review #6499 on August 18, 2010:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Interview was pretty simple. Asked about how we met, show insurance card, wedding pictures, timeline of how we met and when we moved in and when we get married. It was pretty short and simple.

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Miami FL Review #6270 on June 28, 2010:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

very smooth interview.

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Miami FL Review #5724 on February 25, 2010:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

It was food. The counselor that interviewed my wife and I was very understanding. Although we did not quite know what we was doing because all of the documents that we brought to give; when they were asked, we started to misplace them; as they were organized prior to the going to the interview. My wife was open but stressed but we made it because we were inocent and we were real. I would avise to anyone going to such interview to be real and avoid stressing about it.

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