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Miami FL USCIS Office Reviews

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Miami FL USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.3 / 5
53 Review(s)
Miami FL Review #9537 on April 24, 2012:



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Review Topic: Other Experience

Walk-In biometrics

Gentleman at the desk friendly and helpful, didn't ask why I was there early. Just gave me a form to fill in, looked at the appointment letter, circled the original appointment date, checked my passport (ID) and told me to take a seat in the area where the prints were to be taken and I'd be called.

The person doing it asked if I was going to be out of town, I said no, we don't have a car and I had borrowed one to do some other errands and thought I'd kill two birds with one stone. He went ahead and took the prints and picture.

I was in and out in about 25mins as there were two people ahead of me.

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Miami FL Review #9445 on April 6, 2012:

Cinthya Lima

Cinthya Lima

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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

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Miami FL Review #9093 on February 1, 2012:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

The interview went well, it lasted about 40 minutes. The lady mostly asked us to show her previous documentation (birth certificates...), informed us about subsequent procedure after two years, and asked us some of the expected questions, more specifically: how my husband and I met, what we were doing for a living, how we had organized our wedding, how was life in Florida, why we had decided to live here. She said I would get the card in about 2 weeks.

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Miami FL Review #7515 on April 26, 2011:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

THE OAKLAND PARK Field Office in Florida.

Very good interview. IO was pleasant. Didn't really ask any questions just...why we got married in MI instead of florida. Went through my file verified birth certificates and asked for evidence of relationship. Asked if I have ever been arrested....and that was basically the end of our interview

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Miami FL Review #7284 on March 19, 2011:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status


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