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Miami FL USCIS Office Reviews

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Miami FL USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.3 / 5
53 Review(s)
Miami FL Review #11893 on April 30, 2013:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

AOS interview in Oakland Park, Florida

The IO was a very nice man, he welcomed us with a smile and made me feel very calm and relaxed. Our interview was around 1 hour long! It didn't start in a good way ... my husband had 2 previous marriages and got his green card and citizenship with the second one. He had to answer lots of questions about his past, like: How did you meet your first/ second wife; when and how did you decide to get married; what went wrong, the divorces, etc.

Then IO asked just a couple of questions about our marriage now: how we met and how long we lived together before the marriage.
Then he ask to see if we had any joint accounts. I brought the whole house with us He was very impressed with the way I organized all the documents. I was pulling them out one by one with explanation what is what, and this made him so happy! He mentioned that all the others before me, just landed their pile of papers in front of him and he had to l... read complete review

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Miami FL Review #11015 on December 4, 2012:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

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Miami FL Review #10277 on August 28, 2012:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

The Actual Office is Hileah.

The Lady who interviewed me was so MEan. She could see I was pregnant and wehad all supporting Documents yet she chose to harass my husband who was petitioning for me. She was rude to my lawyer. But at the end of it I was approved and my card will be in the mail. There was also a problem with my medical it was incomplete so I got it corrected yesterday and dropped it off for her.

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Miami FL Review #10269 on August 27, 2012:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Hialeah ASC. The wait in the lobby was 1 hr. Smooth entry through security, then wait for my number to be called. Pleasant female officer. Essentially painless interview. No probing questions. Small talk about prior work she had in my home country. Verified personal info, discussed how we met, wedding and photos reviewed, gave documents showing proof of relationship.She had mentioned that she would take my passport to copy something but did not. Stated she would check the database for my H1B 797 after the interview. Took 12-14 minutes total. Approved on the spot.

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Miami FL Review #10234 on August 21, 2012:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

We had our appointment scheduled for 7.15. We arrived there around 7 and walked right in. The waiting room was freezing. We had to wait until 9.30 for them to call us in (apparently there was a mixup with our appointment).
Anyway, we went into the IO's cubicle (she was a young woman, very pleasant). She made us raise our right hand and swear that we would say the truth. Then she asked for our IDs.
She started by asking my husband why he had a different address (he owns another appartment besides the one we live in but hasn't changed the address onm his DL). We said he hadn't been able to do it but that we live together in the address listed in mi DL (which is true, of course.
Then she asked to see my original birth certificate, passport, his naturalization certificate and our marriage certificate.
Then she asked where we had met. Since we met in the US while I was working on a J1 she asked about the 2-year home residency requirement, which I fulfilled, so s... read complete review

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