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Miami FL USCIS Office Reviews

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Miami FL USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.3 / 5
53 Review(s)
Miami FL Review #1293 on February 14, 2007:

As Time Goes By

As Time Goes By

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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

The officer that interviewed us was earnest, yet very nice. After speaking to us for about 30 minutes, he immediately granted my wife conditional permanent residence and stamped the I-551 into her passport, thereby keeping her I-94 - that was stapled into her passport - and her Employment Authorization Document. I wish everyone the luck of having an officer like him.

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Miami FL Review #757 on August 9, 2006:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Our interview was at 10:30am, we arrived at 9:45am...stood in line for about 10 minutes, went through security (do NOT bring camera phones) and found room 190 is to your left on the first floor! We submitted our paper and waited, and waited...finally at 11:30am we were called in. Officer Alvarez, was fantastic. Very professional and personable! The interview was quick and painless...he just wanted to see originals of the copies we submitted. Once that was finished he was ready to approve us...BUT...FBI name check has not been completed. So, other than the continued wait, the whole experience was pleasant. One recommendation..try and find free parking, if you don't, they have "Immigration Parking" for unlimited time for $10...we just paid that because we did not want to walk to far with our 7 month old son...and don't wait till the last minute to show up because apparantly by noon that initial line can wrap around the building...oh, and pay attention to the address on your forms...while... read complete review

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Miami FL Review #754 on August 8, 2006:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

The interview was very smooth. We were approved but FBI name check is pending.

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