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Indianapolis IN USCIS Office Reviews

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Indianapolis IN USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.6 / 5
46 Review(s)
Indianapolis IN Review #15176 on September 11, 2014:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

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Indianapolis IN Review #14412 on May 9, 2014:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Our interview was in Indianapolis. The lady interviewing us called me in first and then she called in my husband after (we were never together in the same room at one time). I believe the Indianapolis office likes to do separate interviews.

When I went in, she asked me to take the oath and then get started. I noticed that she had all the documents I had mailed in an accordion binder (the two hole punched at the top, I remember how much I looked up online figuring out which binder to use!) Anyway, so after the oath she started asking me questions from the I-485. After that she asked me THE QUESTION! "How did you two meet?" I went on and said the name of the specific website we met at and at this point she was writing down notes super fast. She took the name of the site, asked me the month we met and then if met online, when did we physically meet in person. She was nice, smiling and seemed to expect me to dive right in to the story. I explained the story with a timeline... read complete review

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Indianapolis IN Review #13533 on December 26, 2013:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

The staff are polite and the waiting room/lobby is comfortable. The interview was short and sweet! While we waited an hour past our appointment time, our interview was less than 20 minutes with an approval at the end!

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Indianapolis IN Review #13042 on October 17, 2013:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Our interview at the office in Indianapolis went very smooth. We arrived about 30 min early and ended up waiting about an hour. We were each called in individually, which we were expecting as hearing from others who went to Indy for their interview. Each lasted about five minutes. Questions were the same for both of us, basics like where have you lived in the past, how did you meet, present address, been married in the past, have any kids, ever been split up with your current spouse. That was pretty much it. Very friendly. The AOS was approved on the spot and we were given a paper stating the approval. The approval didn't show up on the USCIS website for a few weeks. Then once it showed approval on the site the card was received in the mail a week later. Really couldn't have asked for an easier interview.

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Indianapolis IN Review #9059 on January 26, 2012:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Interview went pretty smooth. everyone very professional and respectful. All the question were pretty much from the application things like, whats your name... your wife's name... where do you live... at the end we were missing some paperwork so the asked us to mail it in but my attorney took care of it.

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