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Indianapolis IN USCIS Office Reviews

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Indianapolis IN USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.6 / 5
46 Review(s)
Indianapolis IN Review #158 on February 5, 2004:


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Review Topic: General Review

Hi you all,

I've been reading this forum for a long time, but haven't posted much. In any case, I just wanted to share our experience of AOS approval.

We had our interview 2 days ago at the Indianapolis District Office and we got approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D You can only imagine how happy we are to be done with it!! (at least for 2 years.)

In any case, our interview was at 8 a.m. We arrived on time and they called our names really fast. The interviewer was as nice as he can be. He took my index fingerprints and signatures twice and then took us to his office. He sworn us and started the interview. He just requested the papers that had been marked in the letter for the interview and asked us a few questions. I can't imagine the interview being better at all!!! At the end he printed a sheet congratulating us for being approved and another one reminding us that we have to apply in two years for the removal of our conditional status. He... read complete review

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