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Indianapolis IN USCIS Office Reviews

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Indianapolis IN USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.6 / 5
46 Review(s)
Indianapolis IN Review #33436 on November 4, 2024:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

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Indianapolis IN Review #33413 on October 7, 2024:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

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Indianapolis IN Review #33343 on August 20, 2024:



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Review Topic: Naturalization

My husband and I arrived 30 minutes before his N-400 interview. I came with him since he still had his I-751 pending in case it was a combo interview. I noticed the security guy turned away anyone whose appointment was more than 30 minutes from the time they tried to enter. He instructed them to come back no sooner than 30 minutes prior. I was worried they wouldn't let us enter with our cell phones, but they did.

My husband was called for his interview and went alone, they didn't ask for me (spouse) at all. It was very short, less than 15 minutes. He said the officer was very kind. He made a mistake on the written test but the officer let him redo it. Then after all was said and done, he said he would recommend the application for approval and he should see movement with the I-751 soon. Sure enough, I-751 was approved the next day and N-400 status says he will be scheduled for the oath ceremony. We have been to the Indianapolis office twice over the past 3 years, and hav... read complete review

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Indianapolis IN Review #33245 on June 21, 2024:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

We went in June 13th for her Biometrics appointment. We arrived a bit early due to light traffic. There was plenty of parking available. USCIS is on the 10th floor. Each applicant is allowed 1 guest/escort. We got off the elevator and I was a bit taken aback by the long line, fearing we would not make our 3 o'clock. About 80% of them were turned away, either for having too many people or from people thinking they could do walk in appointments. Yes, people actually think they can walk in and apply for a greencard. We showed the guard our appointment letter and went through the metal detector. There is an administrative screener at a desk behind a counter. He looked at her passport, our I-797 and our marriage certificate and waived us through for fingerprints/picture. We were there less than an hour all told, and our case status was updated before we even arrived home. Security and office personnel were very professional and friendly.

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Indianapolis IN Review #33107 on April 12, 2024:


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Review Topic: Naturalization

I was scheduled at 1:20pm but they started interviewing me after 2pm. The first thing the officer said is that I can't take the oath that day because the cut is at 2pm so if I pass I need to be scheduled for a different day, which was annoying but no biggie, I wanted to be over with the exam. She asked for my green card (I had two) and the NOA.
The system was not working so she complaint a little bit but (thanks to a review I read about officers complaining here) I didn't say much about it just smiled and said 'it's testing your patience' in an amicable tone. After at least 5 minutes of me sitting waiting in front of her and she complaining, she decided to give me a print exam instead. She read the questions, she wrote my answers and marked correct. For the reading part she held the paper and pointed to the first question and told me to read out loud, I did and she marked correct on the paper. For the writing section she handed me the sheet and made me write a sentence she said ... read complete review

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