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Hialeah FL USCIS Office Reviews

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Hialeah FL USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 5 / 5
5 Review(s)
Hialeah FL Review #31692 on January 7, 2023:



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Review Topic: Naturalization

This office is very professional
and quick.
Staffs are courteous and helpful.
Interviewer was down to earth
and welcoming.

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Hialeah FL Review #29492 on April 16, 2021:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Very kind and courteous staff from beginning of the process until the end.
The interviewer was very down to earth but focus.
Overall Hialeah is a 10 for me.
Minimal waiting once all your documents are intact.Took me exactly 6 months to complete my Aos.

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Hialeah FL Review #29385 on March 24, 2021:




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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

I-485 Interview approved on the Spot!!! Hialeah, FL Field Office

My US Citizen husband and I had our marriage-based application interview today at the Hialeah Field Office. We originally filed I-130, I-485, I-765 and I-131 on 08/03/2020. I had my biometrics done on 02/10/2021 and our interview on 03/22/2021.

The IO was kind of serious at the beginning, but then the conversation started to flow more naturally. She first started with questions from the forms I-130 (for my spouse) and I-485 (for me). Then she began to ask how we met, how long did we date before we got married, where and when was the first date, when and where was the second date and how often did we used to meet while dating, what was my job in my home country and what was my husband's job when we met.

We brought a bunch of documents, but she only asked for Bona-Fide marriage documents, so we gave her our joint bank account statements for the last 6 months, a T-Mobile ... read complete review

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Hialeah FL Review #26957 on August 28, 2019:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Interviewer was professional and pleasant, asked us the taise right and as we swore in.

Asked us how we met and verified info on the forms.

God is amazing all went well was a pretty straightforward interview

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Hialeah FL Review #25632 on February 20, 2019:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

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