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Detroit MI USCIS Office Reviews

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Detroit MI USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.5 / 5
130 Review(s)
Detroit MI Review #30030 on August 19, 2021:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Very pleasant experience. Personable IO.

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Detroit MI Review #29953 on August 6, 2021:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

We entered the building 15 minutes before our interview time. Security was easy. They require everyone to wear masks. We were called back for our interview about 20 minutes after the scheduled time. We took the oath before we sat down.

IO asked what new evidence we wanted to submit and I showed him a whole binder with paperwork. I went through what we had and he chose what to submit.

The officer went through the information and questions from the I-130 and I-485. The only thing he updated was my husbands employment.

The only question he asked is “How did you meet?”

He then stated he was approving our case and that we should received the green card within 7-10 days. He went over the process for removal of conditions and had us sign a form acknowledging that we understood we would need to apply for removal of conditions in 1 year and 9 months.

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Detroit MI Review #29922 on July 27, 2021:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Approved on the spot!! Married to UScitizen. Status has changed to card is being produced. Detroit, MI office. PD Aug 25, 2020.

Quick summary:

1. Officer brought us in and told us we did a great job on the application and he was going to approve it today if everything else looked good.
2. He looked through my passport and said there’s no stamp. I said I came in using a nexus and not my passport. He asked for everything financial and the medical form. We gave him so much stuff and he didn’t even look through it just put it into the folder.
3. He said the i130 was already approved so he was only going to go through i485.
4. We started going through i485 line by line. He asked my husband my name my birthdate and where I was born
5. He asked me where I worked I told him DTE but I did work remotely for my Canadian employer before. He said yea that’s fine
6. He asked me allllll the questions from the I4... read complete review

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Detroit MI Review #29871 on July 15, 2021:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Interview day - husband usc and I, went early and drove by the office. We were 1 hour early. Appt time 2pm. So we went to get lunch and use bathroom at a nearby grocery store. Had to wait 15min before going thru main door. Security wouldn’t let us in until then. Went thru security. Then handed invitation later to a lady to log us in. The we waited for io. It took a while. Eventually, a lady came and called my last name. Jokingly chatted. Got sworn in before sitting down. Mostly asked hubby most questions from form i130. Then me from i485 and the inadmissibles. She was very pleasant. Talked with husband more. Took 30 mins or so.

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Detroit MI Review #29852 on July 13, 2021:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Pleasant surprise how easy it was.

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