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Des Moines IA USCIS Office Reviews

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Des Moines IA USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.3 / 5
28 Review(s)
Des Moines IA Review #5999 on May 1, 2010:



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Review Topic: Walk-in Filing

Walk-In Biometrics

I did my walk-in biometrics on the 30th April 2010 when I was scheduled for 21st May 2010. They do not appreciate people doing a walk-ins and I was ALMOST turned away.

The staff were very friendly though and it was a quick process.

Here's a full review: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/235331-aos-ead-ap-from-k1-the-aussie-way-doc-list-included/page__view__findpost__p__3909156

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Des Moines IA Review #5965 on April 26, 2010:




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Review Topic: Walk-in Filing

I did a walk in for my biometrics the day after i received the NOA. my actual appointment date was a month away however they let me walk right in without a problem
the man at the door and the lady who did the fingerprinting/picture taking were both very polite and kind.

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Des Moines IA Review #5559 on January 16, 2010:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

My appointment was on Dec 21,2009 at 2:00pm. I arrived one hour early and made sure I had all the notices that were sent to me. The fingerprinting and photo process was very simple and easy and I was out of the building before 2!!

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Des Moines IA Review #4998 on September 23, 2009:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

I had my biometrics done and later we had our AOS interview completed in Des Moines office. Great, positive experience! Our interviewer was a very professional lady and we had a pleasant experience. I thank you courteous and professional USCIS employees of Des Moines office.

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Des Moines IA Review #3881 on January 31, 2009:



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Review Topic: Naturalization

The staff was very friendly. Des Moines usually does same day oath ceremonies.

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