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morocco US Consulate Reviews

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morocco US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 2.9 / 5
456 Review(s)
Review #5499 on January 5, 2010:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa


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Review #5495 on January 5, 2010:



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Review Topic: K3 Visa

where is my husband;s visa... i need him to move to usa.. i am more sick....please help!!!!

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Review #5465 on December 29, 2009:



· 3 people found this review helpful

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Review Topic: K1 Visa

He had a really quick interview.. First with a Moroccan man who was rude with him.. Then he waited a little longer and went to have the second one with an American man.. My fiance said he was nice with him.. The blonde woman was on vacation I guess bc he said he didnt see any blonde lol THANK GOD The interviewer asked him only 2 questions and both about our daughter.. When her birthday was and if he had her birth certificate.. No questions about me or us lol Told him that they trust our relationship but his birth certificate was not translated right so my fiance had to go get it translated again.. Took it back to the consulate that same day.. And we waited in AP for 8 days and he was approved for his visa today and will go pick it up tomorrow 12/30/2009..

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Review #5447 on December 23, 2009:



· 1 person found this review helpful

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Review Topic: K3 Visa

interview Jan. 28 2010

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Review #5391 on December 11, 2009:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Our interview was on November 12th originally. One week before, we were having troubles with scheduling and I emailed the consulate to ask what the possibilities are of rescheduling. They replied to my fiancee that the next available date was January 14th, 2009. This was horrible for us. Having to push it back by two months. However, on Sunday December 6th, I sent an email to the consulate again asking if there was any openings for earlier interviews. The next morning they replied no, there was nothing they could do. Two hours after that email they called my fiancee and said, "Can you come tomorrow? Are you ready?" She eagerly replied yes.

The very next day she went bright and early to the consulate. Got it in, payed the fee and waited 2 hours. Was called once to hand over the data our lawyer had filled out for us and was called again for the actual interview.

The first question asked when they sat down was,

"Tell me about the overstay."
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