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United Kingdom US Consulate Reviews

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United Kingdom US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4 / 5
1815 Review(s)
London, United Kingdom
Review #29488 on April 14, 2021:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Had my interview today!! All good super easy and smooth😎
I was super nervous beforehand because I’d had some NIV denied in the past but they weren’t even mentioned in my interview! The relief is insane!

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London, United Kingdom
Review #29404 on March 27, 2021:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The embassy was more or less empty - only 4 booths open and the same number of interviewees. Pretty sure the majority of them were K1 Visa interviews meaning they were all from the Milligan v Pompeo lawsuit. I went up to the windows twice.

The first window - very nice lady asking for all the required documents. They took my passport, one copy of my passport photo, birth certificate, Police ACRO, i-134 Affadavit of Support and my fiance's tax returns. That was it. They took copies of the original docs and gave everything back to me except the Affadavit, Passport and Tax returns.

The second window - very brief interview. Asked me How and when we met, why we decided to get married and to see some photographs of our most recent meeting. They then told it was approved but because I was a K1 visa I would not be able to travel direct and an NIE will not apply for me. Walked away from the embassy with a pep in my step!

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London, United Kingdom
Review #29400 on March 26, 2021:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

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London, United Kingdom
Review #29370 on March 22, 2021:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

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London, United Kingdom
Review #29339 on March 18, 2021:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

As all the other reviews have mentioned, the whole process was very quick and easy. Was there for about 30min and actually speaking to the interviewers took maybe 5 minutes.

I did want to mention the courier that the embassy uses to send back your passport. 5 business days after my interview I received an email from DX saying I would be able to pick up my passport at their 50 Chancery Lane location the next day. The next morning (the day I was meant to pick my passport up) they emailed me to say that I had to redirect the delivery of my passport to my home address, as their location is closed due to Covid. It doesn’t make sense why this was not mentioned in the initial email, as I could’ve easily booked my plane ticket to the US that day which would’ve been risky. It also wasted some time as I could’ve booked the redelicery earlier.

But anyways, I wanted to post this on here to warn anyone who might be too eager to book their p... read complete review

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