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United Kingdom US Consulate Reviews

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United Kingdom US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4 / 5
1815 Review(s)
London, United Kingdom
Review #30052 on August 26, 2021:




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Review Topic: IR-5 Visa

We had our interview yesterday booked for 10.25 am.
My wife and I are emigrating to the US through our son who is an American citizen.
We travelled by train to Waterloo and took a taxi to the Embassy. We arrived two hours early and had breakfast at The District, a cafe opposite the entrance to the visa section of the Embassy. There is also a cafe at Waitrose, which is a three minute walk away, but it was closed.
We went to the Visa entrance at 9.45. There was no queue for immigration visas. We went to a window and handed over our passports, DS260s and our appointment confirmations. A sticker was placed on our appointment confirmation with our interview number on it. We then went to the door to the right of the window and we’re let into security.
The security was like airport security. I had one backpack and my wife a handbag. The security people we very polite and friendly, but efficient.
We were then directed through another door into an open... read complete review

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London, United Kingdom
Review #30051 on August 25, 2021:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The entrance/security building is very well signposted. Go to the South Pavilion Consular Services entrance and there’s a window on the right hand side as you look at the building. This is where you book in with your passport and interview confirmation.

Walk along the security entrance and show your documents which are now signed and go through security. Then out of the security building and up a small external walk way (surrounded by walls, so it’s still part of the embassy) and go to reception.

Here they took my interview confirmation and passport and stuck a number to it. Not My DS-160 confirmation. I still have that.

The elevators are to the right of reception, at the back (clearly visible). Take the elevator to floor one. The elevators open and you look out over a waiting room. Turn left and walk to the end of that room and turn left again. Walk down and this is our interview area. Sit in front of the windows you’... read complete review

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London, United Kingdom
Review #30040 on August 23, 2021:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Arrived at 0910 for a 0930 appointment and joined the small queue to gain access to the embassy.

Provided my printed interview confirmation email and passport and then headed in through the security checks.

Checked in at the reception and the gentleman there looked over my interview confirmation and gave me a sticker detailing my number an which interview windows I needed to head to.

Waited for about 5-10 minutes for my number to be called and I headed up to the window to sort through my documents. The lady behind the counter was friendly and professional. She took my birth certificate, passport, marriage certificate, police record, military service records and one of my visa style photos (which was copied and then given back). I wasn't asked for DS-260 confirmation, I-864, tax returns or the copy of my spouses passport. I would still recommend taking them though just in case.

I was then told to sit down and wait for my number... read complete review

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London, United Kingdom
Review #30028 on August 18, 2021:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

11am interview on 18 August 2021

We misplaced my wife's passport photos, and so had to scramble and get new ones from a train station. (Yes, there's photo booths at the embassy, but we didn't want to risk it in case there was some issue using them.) Wife arrived at security just before 11. Not much of a queue but took a while to get in because some people ahead had an issue.

Airport-style security. After that, quick to get a number and go upstairs. 25 minute wait to be called up the first time. They asked for civil docs and I-864 (as we were DCF) along with financial documents. She offered proof of domicile but they didn't require it.

After 10 minutes called up again for a quick interview. Officer told her she was approved and kept her passport, and wife was on her way out.

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London, United Kingdom
Review #30020 on August 16, 2021:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Arrived early to the embassy. Sat outside the South entrance for about 20 minutes and got chatting to someone there for a K1 interview.
Appointment was at 11:00 and went through security at 10:40.
Then sat and waited till nearly 12:00 for my first interview (document review)
It was all fine and pretty straight forward. I had some additional documents to add for our AoS which I ended up needing to upload to CEAC once I got out.
Then about 12:20 I got called up the second time.
Gave my oath and was asked where'd we meet? Tinder (que surprised look :D) and When was our first date? How long had we lived together? 18 months as I moved back to the UK after we married and then she joined me on a spousal visa in December 2019 (move to Europe they said, travel the continent they said, it'll be fun they said) and then she went back to the US in May 2021 to take up her old job while I waited for my visa to be processed.
Was given a green 221 (g) and aske... read complete review

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