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United Kingdom US Consulate Reviews

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United Kingdom US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4 / 5
1822 Review(s)
London, United Kingdom
Review #3319 on September 7, 2008:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My journey to the Embassy started at 2359 on Wednesday 3rd September at Stirling Train Station. I caught the Caledonian Sleeper service from Inverness to London Euston and would highly recommend this service for anyone coming from Scotland and looking to minimise costs. You get your travel and a semi-decent nights sleep for £19 if you book early enough or 2 weeks in advance, like me, it costs £49.50. Arrived at Euston at 0809 as there was some engineering work which meant that we were re-directed and arrived around 25 minutes later than the timetable had said. Made my way from the train and found the nearest payphone to let my parents and Megan know that I had arrived safely in "The Big Smoke".

Fought my way through the Station and towards the underground and dutifully paid £6.80 for a 1 day Travelcard. It was £4.00 for a single to Marble Arch anyway!!! Off I popped to Marble Arch, me and the 5 million other inhabitants of the tube network at 8.30am on a Thursday!!!!... read complete review

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London, United Kingdom
Review #3313 on September 6, 2008:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

We arrived in London at 7.30am after taking the coach from Glasgow, Scotland we had a very Expensive Crossiant & Tea from a little Italian cafe then I got in line for my 10.30am appointment at 9.15. Went to the lady told her I had nothing except my purse and folder, I then asked people behind me if they had interviews before 10am, one lady did so I let her go in front, then I gave the guy my Passport and Interview letter he checked them and sent me to the security que.

The security guys (after laughing at how many metal buttons I had)sent me threw the scanner then a short walk behind A metal fence to the Embassy front door I waited in a que ffor about 5 minutes got my number from the man at reception (5014) then went upstairs and sat for waited for my number to be called, I was last in the number que there were 5 people before me (In my que which was Immigrant Visa), lots of Non-immigrant visa numbers though.

I was called to booth one 45 minutes later wher... read complete review

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London, United Kingdom
Review #3273 on August 24, 2008:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Interview went really well. Im not going to get into the whole "I was in line by 830am bit" Its been said a million times. Take NOTHING on your person as security is a bit tight. He was asked a few questions,paid the fees and was told the visa would be delivered in 3-5 working days. It was a painless , process and handled very well

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London, United Kingdom
Review #3243 on August 19, 2008:

The Red Baron

The Red Baron


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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

I arrived at 0820 for my 0900 appointment went straight through. I waited about an hour or a little more to go to the first window have documents checked pay the bill etc. Went back to waiting. Some dude starting screaming about how the US is great Satan and other anti USCIS and US stuff. Went up for the interview the lady got me to swear to tell the truth. Asked me why we were gouing back how we met etc and let me go. Total time at windows 15 minutes total time inside embassy three and a half hours. All in all very uneventful

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London, United Kingdom
Review #3242 on August 18, 2008:



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Review Topic: K3 Visa

K3 Approval

Happy days! Had my K3 interview this morning at the London Embassy. Needn't have stressed so much about it as it was a piece of cake. They gave me an approval and told me I would have my passport couriered back to me in 3-5 business days.
There were 2 'interviews', the first one, I just handed over a bunch of forms - police certificate, birth cert., marriage cert., I134 + 1 years past tax returns, W2's, and passport photocopy of supporters.
Second interview just asked me 3 or 4 questions about me and my work, didnt even ask about my wife! (she's pissed).
The dude told me i was approved, I paid me courier fee and walked out 2 hours after going in (the interviews are only about 10 minutes each, and they spend most of that time reading the info on your forms)
It really helps if you get an early appointment. Mine was 8 AM and I was seen within 5 mins of getting in the hall.

Chuffed to bits. Hopefully off Stateside on... read complete review

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