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United Kingdom US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4
/ 5
1822 Review(s)
London, United Kingdom | Review #6856 on November 10, 2010: | naynay5885

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
I'm making this review on behalf of my Fiance who had his interview today:
His appointment time was 9:00, so he arrived to queue at 8:00 after first going to Gould's to check in his keys and phone, and have his photos taken. Was let in to Embassy around 8:30 and proceeded to wait until 11:00 before his number was even called! He went to a window where his documents were taken for review (and complimented for our organization!) He then waited another half hour or so before he met with an American gentleman from the Embassy who asked just a few questions as to our wedding plans, and Tims plans once he arrives in the states as far as what type of work he'd pursue (he is a teacher). He then said everything was in order, took Tim's passport, and told us we're in!
A little bit of a wait, but all in all a smooth experience.
| | London, United Kingdom | Review #6849 on November 9, 2010: | Going Green

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
Hey All,
Just thought I'd post a summary of my K1 interview experience in London. Had it on the 27th Oct at 9am.
Lexi, my fiancee, was over so was able to attend with me. She certainly helped to organise and calm me down. For some reason, even though we knew there was really nothing they could refuse us on, I was a total bag of nerves and terrified of the Entry Clearance Officer giving me a stern and incontestible "Denied."
As the trains were a total rip-off, we opted to catch the National Express coach from Leeds to London at midnight. At that time it takes 6 hours to get there, with 10 stops along the way. Sure, it saved us a LOT of money, but neither of us managed to get any sleep, so we were pretty groggy when it arrived at Victoria Coach Station. We then strolled up towards Hyde Park and Marble Arch. It was pretty weird to wander around a pre-dawn London. The streets were virtually deserted, even outside Buckingham Palace.
... read complete review
| | London, United Kingdom | Review #6839 on November 7, 2010: | scgurl

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
Our experience at the embassy was very easy and positive. The letter said to arrive at 9:30 a.m., but we were there closer to 8:30 and the guards said we could enter early, but first we had to check in our cell phones at a pharmacy/storage place down the street (somewhere we missed the note that no cell phones, chargers, anything electronic are allowed in). So we marched down there, paid the 3 pounds, got a coffee and ended up 10 minutes late after our leisurely breakfast break, but still no problems getting in and through security and then we waited. After about an hour we were called to a window, paid fees, and provided my fiance's passport and birth certificate to the processor. Then we had to go back and wait, maybe 45 minutes and then we were called back to a window for the interview. We were asked simple questions about how we met, and, since I had traveled from the US to be there with my fiance, what I did for a living and plans for a wedding. After no more than 5 minutes it was... read complete review
| | London, United Kingdom | Review #6834 on November 7, 2010: | Matt_UK

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: Direct Consular Filing
Interview was set for 9am, but I arrived at 7:30am to ensure I could get into the building easily. I was 6th out of the people being handled for IR/CR1 visas. They had 2 desks handling IR/CR visas all morning whilst lots of desks took non immigrant varieties.
Interview was very simple with correct preparation.
| | London, United Kingdom | Review #6823 on November 5, 2010: | ECWilloughbys

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
We arrived a little past 7 am for our 8 am interview. (There was a tube strike on, so we booked a cab for 6:30 am just in case traffic was bad.) There were four people in line ahead of us and they let us in after maybe a 30 minute wait. Even though we'd wisely left our cell phones at home, I had forgotten that I had two used AA batteries from my camera at the bottom of my purse, so that held us up an extra few minutes, but everyone was friendly and it was no problem. We were given our number and waited for about 20 minutes until it was called.
We went to the window and a very officious woman of few words took N's fingerprints and asked for our forms. She handed back a lot of them, which I'd expected (we figured rather safe than sorry and had a lot of things that were helpful but not required), but we were both surprised when she didn't ask for our co-sponsor forms. (I didn't make enough in the last year, so my father was co-sponsoring us.) N said, "Here's my sponsor, and... read complete review
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