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Tonga Islands US Consulate Reviews

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Tonga Islands US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4 / 5
1 Review(s)
Review #15791 on December 15, 2014:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

We arrived to the embassy at about 7:30am and our appointment was at 8:00am. The interview was for both my husband and my 1 year old daughter. Upon arrival the security asked us what type of visa we were applying for and then told us to take our medical envelope into the office to have it scanned. Then about 7:45am he had the people waiting line up and after showing their passports let them inside. They wouldn't allow me the petitioner inside because of the small waiting area inside. My daughter was allowed to stay with me outside until they needed her.

At about 10am they came and got me and my daughter. My husband had just finally been called up to the first window. We had to clear up some paperwork regarding my daughter - apparently I was informed incorrectly about what I had prepared and had previously been approved at USCIS and NVC. But it was easily amended, just took a little more time.

We were then told to wait again. Maybe after about an ho... read complete review

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