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Thailand US Consulate Reviews

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Thailand US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9 / 5
452 Review(s)
Bangkok, Thailand
Review #44 on August 12, 2005:




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Review Topic: General Review

Some US consulate officer confusing and they couldn't tell what we have to do. And the some officer work a lot of thing in the same time made them confusing. I been talking with some Thai woman got the same K1 visa even you put all documents to them already they not checking just take a look. I have to go back and forward to US Embassy in Bankok about couple times before they made appointment to interview me. Also, when my Fiancee visa approve from here USCIS and sent to US Embassy for about a month but they didn't send any packet to me I have to go asked them at the Consulate. I live in North of Thailand it's make me frustrated so much about this. Even another Thai woman also they have to go back and forward to Bankok even they live so far away to Bangkok.

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Bangkok, Thailand
Review #43 on June 26, 2005:




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Review Topic: General Review

Ying never had any trouble talking to people at the Consulate in Bangkok. When we were there for her K-1 visa interview it was busy but things were moving along pretty fast. Of course it was warm and humid in the building, this is Bangkok! We lined up at 5:20 AM. We were probably nunber 50 or 60 in line!

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