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Russian Federation US Consulate Reviews

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Russian Federation US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.1 / 5
86 Review(s)
Moscow, Russia
Review #3980 on February 21, 2009:

daniel + svetlana

Daniel + svetlana


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Arrived one hour early for 8AM appointment but didn't start until 11AM. Very long line outside (in snow), many security checks inside building.

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Moscow, Russia
Review #3883 on February 1, 2009:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My fiance said that the only painful thing about his whole interview experience was having to wait outside the embassy in the frigid cold! Other than that, he said it was very simple and utterly painless!

He was asked only 2 simple questions:
"How did you two meet?" and "How is Anna's [me] Russian language?"
The officer even made some jokes and had a good laugh with my fiance! Other than glancing over the financial documents and further required paperwork, that was it and my man was told he was approved! The officer didn't even ask to see any of the "proof of relationship" stuff we'd spent hours putting together and organizing.

By the way, my fiance completed his whole medical exam on January 19 2009(only 2 days before his interview).

(updated on June 21, 2011)

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Moscow, Russia
Review #3616 on November 22, 2008:



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Review Topic: K3 Visa

Appointment time 8am, done around 12noon. Total interview time 15-20 minutes. The interviewer was a nice, friendly man with a sense of humor. He didn't ask for pictures or any proof of relationship. Questions included;
"How did you meet?" What are your professions and what kind of work will you do in America?" "Why did your wife learn to speak Russian?" At the end he said "Congradulations and good luck in America!"

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Moscow, Russia
Review #3526 on October 30, 2008:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Tanya said it was painless and smooth.

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Moscow, Russia
Review #3304 on September 3, 2008:

Don E

Don E


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Review Topic: Other Experience

(updated on September 13, 2015)

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