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Russian Federation US Consulate Reviews

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Russian Federation US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.1 / 5
86 Review(s)
Moscow, Russia
Review #7146 on February 10, 2011:

Kerry and Yulia


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Yulia and Arthur (her son) arrived early, so she decided to go and get breakfast, she came back before her appointment and was with four other women. She said everyone was very nice. When it came her turn, after hearing the other women get asked many questions and show much of their evidence. Yulia was asked for a photograph (the entire interview was in Russian), she handed a photo of me with her family, she said they pointed to me in the photograph and asked Arthur if he knew who I was. Arthur said “of course, that’s my daddy; we are going to live with him in America”. They then smiled at Yulia and said congratulations, have a safe journey, and she would receive the visa in 5-7 days. I think the fact I was in contact with the Embassy sending my most recent financial information directly to them,and making sure they had her resent address change just prior to her interview helped.

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Moscow, Russia
Review #6894 on November 19, 2010:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Interview was postponed due to volcano eruption smoke and flight delays among other things. Interview was on September 3rd, 2010. Waited outside about 20 minutes, went through security. 2nd floor , need to pay for the visa, they give you a ticket and you wait for them to call. About 30 minutes, 20 minutes to fingerprinting, sign some paperwork, than wait another 30 minutes to the actual interview. We had about 10 questions like: when you met, how, how often talk , have you actually met, when are you going to US, what are your plans afterwards( what are you going to do for a living, when are you getting married and where), what do you like the most about your fiancee.

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Moscow, Russia
Review #6609 on September 15, 2010:

Rich and Lenochka

Rich and Lenochka


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Called into the U.S. Embassy on fairly short notice; visa interview was expedited due to an illness in family of beneficiary. My fiancee arrived at embassy gate with no written invitation, but she was on "the list" so there was no problem with admission.
She arrived at 0800, but her interview was the last one of the day. She was interviewed by a pleasant young man, apparently very handsome as she remarked all the women were hoping to be interviewed by him.
The interview was conducted in Russian language; my fiancee says his Russian was flawless. Hmmm. Sounds like infatuation to me.
He asked a few garden variety questions; how did you meet, where, how have you kept in touch with each other. She showed him the logs of our skype calls and our photos. She brought her documents from the police department but forgot to have them translated into English. He told her not to worry, she could send them when she got home. He told her he still needed to review a few d... read complete review

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Moscow, Russia
Review #6561 on September 3, 2010:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Overall - very good experience: the officer was really nice. It is really OK if the package hasnt been delivered in time - you can come w/o it.

Some things that can frustrate but are not worth it:
- fiance visa page at embassy official web site (http://moscow.usembassy.gov/fiancee.html) doesnt say it really clear about DHL airbill paid - just visit any DHL office before interview and tell you need passport delivery from US embassy, they know what it is)
- at the entrance you need to tell security staff that purpose of your visit is immigration visa interview - they have look up in special list, different from common (not immigration) visa interview list.
- cashier desk opens at 8:30 am (that makes a line of people who have migration interview at 8 am and who have to to pay the fee before interview has started. Cashier doesnt accept credit cards, but is fine either with rubles or usd)
- ... read complete review

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Moscow, Russia
Review #5197 on November 6, 2009:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

lasted 10 minutes,and was approved with no problems

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