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Russia US Consulate Reviews

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Russia US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
286 Review(s)
Moscow, Russia
Review #1511 on April 18, 2007:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My fiancee walked out from the Embassy in Moscow, where she had very strange interview. She was told at the end, they will think whether to give her visa or not. The thinking process will last between 2 to 3 weeks.

Not sure about sequence of questions, but these are some of those she was asked:

1. She was asked (with raised voice) whether she knows that I filed two petitions for Russian fiancees before. She said, yes she knows because I told her a while ago, and she has no problems with this.
2. Another question: why she wants to marry me. I hope she answered well :-)
3. How many times I was in Russia meeting her? She said: three times: July, August, November, and we spent 10 Christmass days in Europe together. Apparently, this is not enough, in interviewer's eyes. She (interviewer) was not interesed in seeing our photos together (about 20 from all these visits).
4. My fiancee was asked where is her daughter's father. She said they br... read complete review

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Moscow, Russia
Review #1452 on April 2, 2007:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Pulled number 13 for the waiting list on a full moon and still got the VISA Natalia said it only took 10 minutes. Interviwed by a woman that was very nice. Talked to both her and her 12 year old son in English which the interviewer was happy about. Looked at picture of Natalia's hand with engagemnt ring that we submittted and smiled............. said I hope both of you are happy in the US. Didn't ask any difficult questions.

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Moscow, Russia
Review #1438 on March 28, 2007:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

easy, quick 10 minute interview. asked how we met, when I (petitioner) came to visit, how we met, where i study, what my major is, about my family, where i live. just a bunch of easy questions like that. then said the visa would come in a week or two, but we're expecting it sooner because my fiancee will just pick it up from the DHL facility right next to the consulate.

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Moscow, Russia
Review #1421 on March 25, 2007:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

It is necessary to prepare the passport for travel abroad and the invitation. After 8:00am, security checks these documents. Before going inside the building, security checks your bags and your presence of dangerous objects. When you enter into a building, the first that needs to be made is a list of objects which cannot be carried by you any further. If you have something from this list, it is necessary to hand over. Further, having passed the next door, you will meet another security checkpoint, they again check you and your things on presence of dangerous objects, only now by means of more powerful technics. Then it is necessary to receive number of your turn on the printer of number coupons. It is necessary to press the green button and to receive number. Then, having passed in a hall, it is necessary to hand over the invitation and coupons with number of turn in a window to №5 or №6 which are the assistant to the consul and to wait for your turn. They have given me ... read complete review

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Moscow, Russia
Review #1373 on March 14, 2007:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The officer didnt look at much other than pictures and very general relationship questions. The only curve was when the officer asked Anna if I knew about her previous marriages. She of course said yes (and I did) but then he asked for proof. There were a ton of emails and I believe we discussed it in one of those but she was not sure if it was an email we included. They talked a bit more and she finally said that she was an honest person and had no reason to hide these facts from me. He finally relented and approved her.

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