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Russia US Consulate Reviews

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Russia US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
286 Review(s)
Moscow, Russia
Review #9216 on February 25, 2012:



· 2 people found this review helpful

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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Interview for K-1 visa was smooth and overall I spent about 2 hours at the Embassy. Procedures in the Embassy were easy to do and clear explained, and interview by itself took just a few minutes. Сonsul was very nice and positive, my interview wasn't stressful at all. Only one small unpleasant impression - one of the clerks who checking your invitations seems to be not attentive, she mixed up visa type I'm applying for and asked for invitation type which I shouldn't have for K-1 visa, saying that if I will not show it, she probably will not allow me to go to the interview (it was very stressful to hear), but we figured that she just didn't look in my papers enough to see that I'm not a tourist, but fiance.
I got my passport with visa by courier mail within 5 business days including day of the interview.
Overall, I even didn't expect it will be such smooth.
PS: I noticed somebody complained in their reviews about no food, no water while long waiting for their ... read complete review

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Moscow, Russia
Review #9078 on January 30, 2012:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Well my fiance said it was very easy they just asked about our relationship and if she was confortable with out age difference of 11.5 years. The whole process took less then 3 minutes. Although she saw other people getting rejected due to insufficient evidence. But my fiancee is very well organized and made a big book documenting our relationship She's so awesome

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Moscow, Russia
Review #9036 on January 20, 2012:



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Review Topic: General Review

Waited 3 hours before interview in the waiting room.
All went very good.
Received 221g form for additional information.
They want more pictures of our family.
I drop in the drop box by the Moscow Embassy the same day.
addition 46 pictures were send by email.
My Passport is sent by post

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Moscow, Russia
Review #9026 on January 19, 2012:

Jon and Yulia


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Embassy experience was great, especially compared the to bad experience of uscis. Interview was about 3 minutes. They only asked to see a few pictures, and none of the hundreds of pages of skype, email, and other documents we had saved. The wait before interview was about 3 hours, including security check, fingerprinting and the interview.

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Moscow, Russia
Review #9016 on January 17, 2012:



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Review Topic: IR-5 Visa

All process was stress-free and well organized.
Officer asked a few biography related basic questions.

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