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Reunion Island US Consulate Reviews

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Reunion Island US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4 / 5
1 Review(s)
Review #13897 on February 20, 2014:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Appointment at 1pm and we were out by 3pm. It would have been earlier but we had an issue with the chronopost enveloppe; long story short get the 2kg pochette (just a friendly advice)!
Very nice and professionnal staff.
My fiancé was with me and even though I had sent an email to the embassy to let them know about (they wrote me back saying my fiancé could come) one of the security guy would'nt let him get in. We were really upset but another security guy told us everything was fine that he could get in (totally nerve wracking)
Inside the embassy we were called first time for the notification to attend to the interview; second time (15 mn later) same lady took my fingerprints, gathered all the documents she needed : affidavit of support, mandat compte receipt, enveloppe, ds 160, us size picture, passport, medical sealed enveloppe, birth certificate and police record (for the affidavit of support, she just took the form along with the w2 for 2013. No paycheck st... read complete review

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